The other day, I really enjoyed beautiful hydrangea at Yatadera temple
in Yamato Koriyama city, Nara Prefecture.
More than 1,300 years ago, Prince Ooama (later Emperor Tenmu)climbed
Yata mountain to pray for the victory of the Jinshin war and finally he won.
Then he orderd Buddhist monk, Chitsuu to build a temple in Yata mountain.
This is the story of Yatadera temple's origin.
There are about 60 different kinds and 10,000 plants of hydrangea
in this temple.
That's why it is called hydrangea temple.
Although now is the best season for hydrangea, to my surprise
it was not congested.
And I could take my time to walk around the hydrangea garden in the temple.
This might be one good thing about Nara.
(Everywhere is less congested than Kyoto.)
There were many different kinds of colorful hydrangea
and they pleased me so much.
Dull-colored and tiny cute flowers made my feeling better
in a gloomy rainy season.
So, I wanna share this beautiful flower with you.
3549 Yata-cho, Yamato Koriyama city, Nara Pref 639-1058, Japan
*TEL: +81-743-53-1445
3549 Yata-cho, Yamato Koriyama city, Nara Pref 639-1058, Japan
Take Nara Kotsu bus for Yatadera(矢田寺) from Kintetsu Yamato Koriyama station.
It takes approx 20 mins from Kintetsu Yamato Koriyama station to Yatadera.
From June 6th to June 28th, Nara Kotsu has extra bus from both
Kintetsu Yamato Koriyama station and JR Horyuuji station.
(2 buses in one hour)
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